Osirix lite launch with different local database
Osirix lite launch with different local database

osirix lite launch with different local database

osirix lite launch with different local database osirix lite launch with different local database

was carried out using the OsiriX Lite software (OsiriX) the whole procedure was. OsiriX HD is capable of displaying images from all imaging modalities (ultrasound, CT scanner, MRI, PET, etc.) in their native standard DICOM format used by the medical/scientific industry. Moreover, a great number of feedback connections run backwards from the. The software is developed in Objective-C on a Macintosh platform under the MacOS X operating system using the GNUstep development environment. There is likely a simple answer to correcting the image geometry, but we have not been successful thus far. OsiriX HD allows downloading and manipulating series of images directly on your iOS device. A multidimensional image navigation and display software was designed for display and interpretation of large sets of multidimensional and multimodality images such as combined PET-CT studies. We are stuck with the images from PACS and cannot reconstruct the raw data from the scanner (screenshot attached). However, when we create a new series in Osirix only including the Chest images (exported from the original CAP series with non-regular slice intervals), the chest images still appear “stretched” in the z-axis. Our project involves only the Chest and so we are hoping to remove the Abdomen/Pelvis image from the series altogether and return the Chest images to their normal geometry. By displaying a second viewer, you can compare a different study of the same patient, or you can view two series of the same study. When we look at a coronal MPR of the data in a standard DICOM viewer (Osirix) we get a distorted image (screenshot attached), presumably because the slice interval is 4 times less for the Chest (0.625) compared to the Abdomen/Pelvis (2.5).

#Osirix lite launch with different local database full#

In brief, some of the Full body (CAP) CT studies at our institution are sent to PACS reconstructed as 1.25/0.625mm slice thickness/interval in the Chest, and then 2.5/2.5 mm slice thickness/interval for the Abdomen/Pelvis, and all images are stacked in a combined CAP series.

Osirix lite launch with different local database